Heinlein, was:[NCLUG] Sigs, was:Re: NCLUG LinkedIn Group

dlc at frii.com dlc at frii.com
Thu Oct 11 16:03:35 MDT 2007

> dlc at frii.com wrote:
>> I read "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" as a young teenager, as well as
>> every other Heinlein book I could find.  Like most, I never met him.
>> However I have met two other of my favorites Alan Dean Foster and
>> Christopher Staschef, the former in a small group and the latter
>> personally via a mutual friend.  I never get autographs, but I never
>> pass
>> up the chance to chat.  :)
>> Another great "Heinlein-ism"
>> "An honest politician is one who stays bought."
> RAH is probably best known for "TANSTAAFL", used by many without
> attribution.

  I think that there are dozens of his aphorisms in general use that no
one remembers where they came from.

> His later work trended more towards fantasy than SF IMHO. He lost me
> about the time he wrote "Stranger in a Strange Land".

  He lost me with "Time enough for Love" - Although he was noted as saying
that he wished he'd never written "Stranger", it is one of my favorites
of his.

> As with Asimov, his non-fiction was quite good, though nowhere near as
> widely circulated as his fiction.
> Did you know RAH used to be roomates with a fellow named L. Ron Hubbard?

  Maybe that is where he got the idea for "Stranger"? :)


> beww
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