Heinlein, was:[NCLUG] Sigs, was:Re: NCLUG LinkedIn Group

Brian Wood bwood at beww.org
Thu Oct 11 15:56:48 MDT 2007

dlc at frii.com wrote:
> I read "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" as a young teenager, as well as
> every other Heinlein book I could find.  Like most, I never met him. 
> However I have met two other of my favorites Alan Dean Foster and
> Christopher Staschef, the former in a small group and the latter
> personally via a mutual friend.  I never get autographs, but I never pass
> up the chance to chat.  :)
> Another great "Heinlein-ism"
> "An honest politician is one who stays bought."

RAH is probably best known for "TANSTAAFL", used by many without

His later work trended more towards fantasy than SF IMHO. He lost me
about the time he wrote "Stranger in a Strange Land".

As with Asimov, his non-fiction was quite good, though nowhere near as
widely circulated as his fiction.

Did you know RAH used to be roomates with a fellow named L. Ron Hubbard?


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