[NCLUG] 2014 Open Data Summit

Jackson Holliday jacksonh at consistentstate.com
Thu Jan 9 10:56:23 MST 2014

Announcing the 2014 Open Data Summit


Open Data Summit is an Executive Summit style conference centered around
Open Source Data Management technologies.

The conference will be a 2-track one day conference on Friday April 11, 

There will be a Tactical and a Strategic Track

The Strategic Track includes strategic topics such as scaling, 
architecture and deployment topics.

The Tactical Track covers topics like data security, support issues, and 
new technologies

The Open Data Summit conference will include talks from industry 
leaders, in key open source based data management areas such as:

- Database platforms (hello PostgreSQL)
- Data management tools
- Reporting tools
- ETL tools
- Data mining tools
- Big data tools
- Data Deployment tools

We're looking for speakers who can present topics targeted toward I.T. 
leaders such as
C-level execs, Directors and managers.

Propose talks via emails to opendata_talks at consistentstate.com,
or via the open data summit site speakers page:


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