What Node version is your Linux distribution giving you?

Stephen Warren swarren at wwwdotorg.org
Tue Aug 23 20:19:49 MDT 2022

On 8/23/22 20:04, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Brian Sturgill wrote:
>> I ask because JSCAD announced they were no longer supporting Node 12.
>> They basically support only those version of Node that the Node.js people
>> support.
> Ah...  So that tells me that they don't care about users and stable
> releases.  They want users to skate the bleeding edge.  Do they supply
> band-aids?

I recently had a similar issue with some tool that uses nodejs. The nvm 
tool can help you install non-distro-packaged copies of nodejs without 
interfering with the distro installation directory; rather like a Python 
virtual environment.


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