blocked 443 port

Bob Proulx bob at
Sun Jun 4 02:18:56 UTC 2023

Phil Marsh wrote:
> I'm in northeast MT right now.

That's the problem!  It's Montanna!  No, wait...  :-)

> It appears that the port 443 access has "self-healed".

It's always disconcerting when things fix themselves.  I am much more
comforted when there is a definite change which fixes a definite
problem than when things spontaneously repair.

> This is a dynamic DNS of course and I was using NoIP for the DNS
> name resolver.

So was the problem was domain name resolution rather than the port?

> Oddly enough, the DNS appeared to properly resolve except for 443
> ports. I don't know the failure mechanism, but it appears to be
> working fine now.

If the problem was domain name resolution instead of being related to
the port then when DNS returned the correct address then of course the
TCP connection on that port would work okay.

Since Connexion does not force rotation of IP addresses it means they
do not change very often, if at all.  Mine has not changed since
installation.  I suggest noting down the IP address of your home
system and taking it with you when you travel on your mobile machine.
Then if for whatever reason your dynamic IP address resolution fails
you can fall back to using the saved off IP address.


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