Code Signing Certificate

bsimpson bsimpson at
Wed Jan 3 01:22:22 UTC 2024

What provides is the way to certify a website and I use them for my website.  However I don't believe they have anything to do with certifying a package that you download from a website.  I need to certify my code.

On Jan 2, 2024, at 2:10 PM, Evelyn Mitchell <efmphone at> wrote:

You could use a Let's Encrypt certificate:

The instructions to get started are at:

These are free certificates, which have tooling to automatically renew them.


On Tue, Jan 2, 2024 at 10:22 AM bsimpson<> <bsimpson at<mailto:bsimpson at>> wrote:
I would like to sign some of my software with a certificate so that prospective users can use their browser to download and install it onto their computer without seeing warnings about it being from an unknown and untrusted source.  When I poke around the web it appears that to get such a certificate it would cost me at least $200 per year.  This is for software I give out for free.  Are there any other options available?

Brian S

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