[NCLUG] Oracle system help

Mark Fassler fassler at monkeysoft.net
Fri Feb 1 14:31:07 MST 2002

Oy vey...

Well, I think that you're only mildly hosing the system... but I feel bad 
because it would seem that I'm a somewhat guilty party in the hosing...

If you put your /etc/modules.conf back the way it was, you should be back 
to where you were (with everything working except the ethernet card).

About all I can offer you is more background info at this point:

When you do an "insmod <module>" the system just tries to load that one 
module.  But sometimes modules have dependencies on other modeules (the 
ne2k-pci module uses calls from the 8390 module, for example).  So, in 
order to get a module to load, you have to load all of the modules that it 
depends on as well (and those modules might have dependencies).  

So, "insmod 8390; insmod ne2k-pci" should load the module.  (I hadn't 
looked that up this morning.  Sorry.)

"modprobe <module>" takes care of this automagically.  But "modprobe 
<module>" takes care of other things automatically as well (like aliases 
and options from the modules.conf file).  This is usually for the best, 
but sometimes some config file somewhere gets hosed up and modprobe 
doesn't work so well.  

The module dependencies are listed in 
/lib/modules/<kernel_version>/modules.dep   This file is created with the 
"depmod -a" command (which, I think, is called automagically from Redhat 
startup scripts).

Your problem seems to be that the driver (module) won't load for the 
ethernet card.  This might be because of an io-port problem, an IRQ 
problem or something else.  

At this point, I don't really have a "standard" practice of what to do -- 
I would just poke around until I find something wrong...

Mark Fassler
fassler at monkeysoft.net

On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 12:55:49PM -0700, Steve Roths wrote:
> now, no modules load and I get a conf:4:missing module argument statement
> couldn't insmod nfs either
> Am I somehow really hosing this system?

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