[NCLUG] April NCLUG Meeting

J. Paul Reed preed at sigkill.com
Mon Apr 7 02:54:26 MDT 2003

On 07 Apr 2003 at 02:37:03, Matt Taggart moved bits on my disk to say:

> I'm against causing people to change their behavior(by only posting using
> subscribed addresses) and breaking up timely discussion(by queing
> non-list member contributions via crossposting). 

A lot of people find crossposting rude. And ultimately, I guess a lot of
people disagree(d) with you; modifying behavior sucks, but getting more
spam (and making the list a sitting duck for spammers) sucks more. 

Personally, I think the decision should have been made by a group vote
(which I hear it finally was), not what one person thought was best for the

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