[NCLUG] Asterisk & T1

Marcio Luis Teixeira marciot at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 26 20:07:38 MDT 2005

> So, ideally I would like data bandwidth to FRII and
> have some channels 
> dynamically allocated to the PSTN. Or, if that isn't
> possible, have a 
> few channels dedicated to the PSTN.

I just looked online and it appears as if Asterisk
does support this particular card. Apparently one of
the configurations is related to what channel to use,
so I'm wondering if it is possible to configure
asterisk to use four lines of the card. The question
then becomes, can you set up some other service on
that box to bridge the remaining channels to your LAN?

It's this latter part I don't know anything about.
I've never hooked up a PC to a T1, so I'm not sure of
what software you need for this, and whether it can
share the card with asterisk.

-- Marcio

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