[NCLUG] Re: Backspace

John L. Bass jbass at dmsd.com
Fri Feb 22 16:49:09 MST 2002

	Have you tried using a *different* keyboard ? When I type  Ctrl-V and then 
	backspace, I get back  ^?   and when I type Ctrl-V and then delete, I get 
	back ^[[3~ 

	It looks like your keyboard sends a 'delete' keypress when you hit 
	backspace.  What do you get when you do  Ctl-V Delete ?


There are several layers of keymapping in progress on PC's ... the first
from the PC10x keyboard to ascii as a combination of driver and deamon
controls (see /etc/rc.d/init.d/keytable and man kbdconfig), the tty driver
that gets invoked for pty's (controlled by stty), another inside the X
event manager/server, plus some applications (especially X11 apps) apply
additional layers/maps.

it can get bloody confusing to separate out which service is doing you a favor.


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