[NCLUG] DSL modem + Wireless Router setup

Bob Proulx bob at proulx.com
Wed Sep 6 21:40:40 MDT 2006

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> S. Luke Jones wrote:
> >My suspicion is that the wireless router is confused because it has a
> >192.168.1.xxx net on both sides. But that's just a clueless

Yes.  I have had that problem before and will confirm that if the same
net is on both sides of the WRT54G that it won't know how to route the
packets.  And I think that is just as expected.

> I would just go into the Linksys admin interface, configure it's LAN IP for
> or whatever, and then change the DHCP to give
> out or whatever range you want, and call it done.

Agreed.  That is what I would do too.  And in fact I did just that
when I was in that situation.  :-)

S. Luke Jones wrote in a different message:
> Chris Funk wrote:
> > Is there an admin interface on the dsl modem?  If so, log into it
> > and look for a bridge mode, enable that and you should be good to
> > go.
> There is, and when we checked it, it already was enabled. The Verizon
> tech support person walked me through that much.

If bridging mode is enabled then I would disable it.

However I just finished walking through all of the menus of my WRT54G
and I could not find an option to enable bridging mode.  Perhaps that
has been added in a newer version.  But I would take Sean's advice,
set up the lan side on a different subnet than the wan side, use the
"gateway" mode of the linksys, present one IP address to the DSL modem
and all should be good.


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